Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Time is Pretty Special

I have many more fall color pics to post, but tis the season for some winter wonder and modern christmas traditions. Note, all snow pics are from last year.

 Snow Stacks

So many beautiful vistas

Such a clear lake!

I head to Union Square every year for the holidays, here is a nearby church:
 Another tradition, santacon; where thousands roam the streets in costume:

 Even Rudolf showed up:

I liked this angle/alignment
 Sugar castle at the Westin St. Francis
 Wouldn't be the holidays without an Occupy Protest

 This tie is several hundred dollars at Louis Vuitton. Look kinda cool, right? Look closer...
This tree is 5 stories tall and plastic, where do they store it? 
And finally, some Capitol pretty.
What a difference a year makes! Here is Arnold's tree:

And Jerry Brown's tree, in the era of downsized state government:

 (Also note the manorah)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Calaveras In The Fall: Pretty Awesome

Sorry for the delay in posting, not sure if anyone reads these.

I went out to Calaveras Big Trees State Park early last month, and found so much pretty I couldn't fit it all in my camera.

This is a Snow Plant, which grows from the roots of nearby trees. They don't have chlorophyl and are basically parasites.
They also indicate a place to come back and find Morel mushrooms once the snow melts!

This tree had these great mushrooms growing on it (tree is dead now). I think this species glows in the dark.

A nice little creek on the way to the South Grove of Giant Sequoias

I'm not sure what kind of plant this is, but the red really caught my eye.

The Dogwood trees, which I love in the spring for their creamy white blooms, were in late fruiting and the colors were changing (which was the reason for this trip).

As you can see, the trees ranged from still green to deep red (there was even purple, but those pics didn't turn out too well).

The maples were also changing, you can even see how the green was getting sucked out of this leaf before it fell.

There was also a wide variety of lichen, which are moss and fungus living together (never noticed these in my many prior trips).

On the way home, I always stop at the Red Apple, where they have all kinds of wonderful apple creations, from cider to pies to doughnuts and all pastry in between. They have preserves and of course fresh apples when in season. These daisies greeted me.

Clearly, it was the peak of the season, with like 15 different varieties.

I'll post more soon...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

High Sierra and Associated Pretty

Hey, I recently went to the Pyramid Creek area off Highway 50, just west of Tahoe. The alpine environment was just perfect in early September and I found both wildflowers and fungus.

The view from the parking lot

A waterfall at the beginning of the trail

Base of the hike, looking up at the falls. Some hikers went to the top, where a small lake feeds the waterfall

You have to climb up the bare granite in many places


But the waterfall at the top is so worth the trip

And the views out of the valley were outrageous

The creek on the way down was more like a river, and more, smaller, falls


The aforementioned wildflowers

Mushrooms, in September?