Monday, October 15, 2012

Sacred Alpine Wonderland on Shasta

The wildflowers of Mt. Shasta are outstanding. One of the meadow's I went to had a native american cross that showed how important and religiously significant the place was (see below). 

 This one looks very alien, I was surprised to see such a vibrant coloration on it

Looks desolate, but these are ancient little plants, each more than 50 years old. 

Then came the mossy, tiny-planted, wet, alpine marsh/bog/meadow (this part was dry, for contrast)
Budding out 
 Indian paintbrush (that's not very PC of me, wasn't sure what else to call it)

Like a flame 

 The moss was 6 inches thick! Some of those are sundew carnivorous plants

The water was so crystal clear 

The trees struggle to make inroads into the area, likely due to acidic soils 
But leads to fun, twisted shapes 


Careful where you walk, it could be a very important, very old stone or plant with great meaning. 

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